Tuesday, November 29, 2016

December Meeting

Well folks, the days where we can fly outside are far and few between. The cold, wet season is here to stay for a few months-  time to start planning for 2017's flying season. MRFA will be meeting this Thursday, 6:00 at the Champaign Aviation Museum in Urbana, OH. Members are encouraged to attend and have a voice in the event planning for next season- and potential members are welcome to come and learn more about the association. Speaking of events for next season...

Now is the time to order your Tower Hobbies war birds for 2017 pylon racing! Free shipping and season deals can land you a Corsair or Hellcat for under $100. 


Want to relive the glorious summer days of 2016 on these cold, wet nights? Check out the photo tab on our web page for pictures from the 2016 season.

Mark, Bill, and Dick help Tracy out with his Four-Star 120, days before we packed up the plane stands in November.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Pylon Racing

Hey RC Flyers! Check out the new PYLON RACING page link at the top of this web site. If you think that you are an ACE PILOT put your skills to the test this coming summer. Now is the time to sign up and get your plane ready!

Friday, November 4, 2016

November Meeting Minutes

This was the first meeting of the off-season at the Champaign Aviation Museum.
  • Members in attendance: Dave M., Dave Mg., Mark M. (VP), Tracy S,, Mike U., Todd P., Gary B., Richard K. (Pres.), Bill H. (Treas.) and Bill A.
  • Treasurer's report read and approved.
  • The current landfill work was discussed.
  • Swap Meet Items: The B-25 raffle signs were shown, and the number of tables were discussed. 
  •  We discussed events that everyone would like to see for next season, including: pylon racing, a renewed emphasis on Rotor Challenge, Fun Fly, F3C helicopter clinic, the association picnic, and invite the public day (MRFA air show).
  • The meeting started 6:00 pm and ended at 7:00 pm.