Saturday, September 24, 2016

Late Summer at MRFA

The die-hard fliers have been out at MRFA getting flight time in before the big chill of Fall hits. Check out some of the birds that have been buzzing around the field:

Dick's Supersportster laying down a smoke trail.
Rob's Aircruiser 25- one fast little ol' bugger!
And David...well...he put his Edge 540 down just a wee bit from the runway. Just a tad!
Come on out and join the fun before the days are short and the winds are cold and wet!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

October Association Meeting

Next Association Meeting
THURSDAY, October 6th, 6:00 PM at the field house
Member attendance is requested.
We will be discussing safety policy, ideas for next season events, and member responsibilities.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Heli Video

Member Mike Unger shot some great footage of his flight over the MRFA flying field earlier this month using a GoPro camera on his Mostro helicopter. Here's an excerpt of his video, which will be uploaded in full and shared on the Photos page:

Sunday, September 11, 2016

New Runway & Sunday Flying

Dick K. flew over the new runway today with his camera drone. Check out the new strip:
Great weather today- not too many left before the rain and cold rolls in!

Friday, September 9, 2016

Association News

The following items were discussed at the September Association meeting:
  • Members in attendance: Dick K., Mark M., Bill H., Chuck M., James L., and Bill A. 
  • Future meetings will be held on the first Thursday of each month.
  • Field Closing Day is tentatively November 5th.
  • We have replaced the wood on two of the field benches, and the third will be repaired soon.
  • The geotextile runway idea has been voted down, due to durability and cost concerns.
  • Mark creating a supplies list for the new clubhouse deck- to be completed this season.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Association News

This Wednesday is the Association meeting. An important part of membership is sharing in the Association decision process, so please plan to attend. 

In other news, President Dick K. and Secretary Rob C. attended the AMA warbird event in Muncie, Indiana today. There was an unbelievable number of scale warbirds on the flight line and a spectacular WWI and WW2 flying display.

The AMA has a geotextile runway section at the Muncie, Indiana headquarters. We were able to get a close look at it, and would like to share our observations and how they might influence our plans to install a similar runway at MRFA field at the next meeting.